Monday, April 24, 2023

A Spring Scripture Tea...

 Hello all,

Well, I had a busy weekend! How would you like a tea party report?

I had planned to do a tea for ladies at our congregation back in January.  Tea foods, fellowship, and the sharing of Scripture was the plan. 2:00 pm on April 22nd seemed so far off in the future...Ha! It snuck up on me, and two weeks ahead of time I started doing some serious planning. My mother jumped on board and we drew out ideas for tables...schemed about which people would enjoy sitting with who...and started shopping! In the week leading up to Saturday we did some cooking and crafting for the tea, and took a load of china/glassware with us to midweek Bible study. On Friday night my amiable eldest brother took me into town to set up tables and drop off the second load of stuff.

Saturday morning, my mother and I packed up the car (much easier said than done!!) and went to the Church building. Would you just look at how many supplies we thought we needed??

Note to self: Next time, take your grandmother's advice and have the tea party at home!

Things weren't going too bad. The tables were getting set, the food tucked away in the fridge. The morning was wearing away when we pulled out three tubs of silverware to sort through and find matching sets of forks, spoons and knives. 


You know what? People don't even care about silverware that much! We should have forgotten about the silverware and started icing cakes and making salad.

That silverware (I won't blame us) caused our tea party to be 1/2 an hour late! And it could have been much worse. 

But the participants in the tea party were a lovely group of patient and enthusiastic women...I didn't hear anyone mention the late time! I did a fair share of the mentioning for them :)

At noon a friend from Tennessee who's on a trip to Oregon showed up, and we put her RIGHT to work. She was supposed to be kind of a guest of honor, and instead she spent hours and hours in the kitchen with us, doing whatever we needed! 

Speaking of buffets and tea, here was our printed schedule and menu:

One of our tables

(I apologize for the poor quality of the photo)

...The buffet being set up...

We shared our Scriptures after tea - the best part of the whole thing! and began on the arduous task of cleaning up (some of the guests were gracious enough to help!) We and our, ahem, *kitchen* guest of honor, were there until six o'clock putting everything back together. My amiable brother showed up again and took a load of supplies home, and we all retreated to the house on the hill to relax with our guest and her husband. 

We had 11 ladies come to Afternoon Tea. They all loved it and took a favor home. We included the plants on the tables as part of their favor. 

We are still eating on the tea party food, and enjoying it, too! We made WAY TOO MUCH, which makes meals very easy now! 

Oh, and do you want to know how to get in your exercise? Have a tea party away from home! My mother logged in 2 MILES of walking while loading/unloading the car and working at the tea!!

Hopefully, this gives you some inspiration to maybe have a tea party of your own! Just...whatever you do, ASK FOR HELP and budget in LOTS of extra time for preparation! 

Hope you enjoyed this post!

to God be the glory,

Miss Humphrey

Monday, April 17, 2023

Crafty Projects and Party Favor Ideas

 Hello all,

I usually post clothing-related items on this blog, but I am in the midst of a very busy Monday and I thought I'd just show you some other crafty things I've been doing.

I'm preparing to host a tea party at Church this Saturday, and I am working on some of the non-food items décor and party favors!

My mother and I went to Joanns and picked out some pastel broadcloth for table runners. I am working on sewing those up.

My mother got these cute gift bag kits from Stampin' Up! recently...they're perfect to hold party favors!

I have yet to string ribbon through the holes in the top, but that is the plan.

We decorated clothespins using stickers from Dollar Tree,
and adhered strong magnets to the backs of the clothespins. Perfect fridge magnet clips!

The gift bags will be filled with two chocolates, a clothespin, and some notecards. 

(the backs)


I found some finger-kitting yarn on clearance at Joanns. I had to snatch it's in one of my favorite colors!!

My oh-so-soft scarf.

Our neighbor taught us how to make hexagons with fabric (English paper piecing). I'd like to make a quilt with these!

They are made by gathering a fabric hexagon around a smaller paper hexagon. The stiff, glossy paper from junk mail advertisements works well for this. Then you hand-sew over your gathers to secure them. You take the papers out once you're ready to use your hexagons in a project. Starching them first before you take the papers out is a good idea.

(the back)

Aren't those colors beautiful!?

to God be the glory,
Miss Humphrey

Monday, April 10, 2023

Regency Easter Dress

 Hello all,

My mother and I went to Joanns last month. I think I was looking for quilt fabric, and she was going to make herself a formal skirt. We weren't looking for anything too expensive. 

But all because of Budding Romance, we ended up walking out with quite a bit of fabric. It was none of my fault, I assure you!! ;)

This regency-style jumper is made from another adapted E-pattern. My mother had used the pattern before and altered it to be a jumper, but this was my first time sewing it.

The fabric...Oh, it is sweet! So sweet, in fact, we had to have the whole bolt to make matching Easter dresses.

With another blouse

What did you all do for Easter? 

to God be the glory,

Miss Humphrey

Monday, April 3, 2023

Edwardian Skirt In Denim

Hello all,

My mother and I made matching jean skirts recently, using this Edwardian pattern

(A Note to the Interested: This is an E-pattern. My mother recommends finding someone who sells the paper pattern, unless you have a free evening to spend wrestling with your printer and the printed pattern, which has to be taped together.)

The original (unhemmed) Edwardian length of the skirt was beautiful...but impractical for the everyday use this skirt was destined for.

...The hemmed version...

The skirt is gored, with a narrow waistband. It has a placket in the back.

Finding one of my favorite blouses to match it was icing on the cake!

to God be the glory,
Miss Humphrey

Spring Sewing

...You make the going out of the morning and the evening to shout for joy. You visit the earth and water it; you greatly enrich it; the rive...