Monday, February 27, 2023

1800's Inspired Springtime Dress

I just realized that Springtime is in about a month! I look forward to warmer temperatures and some greenery around these parts. In the mean time, Winter is giving us another bout of storms. We can see them pass from one side of our view to the other, and it is really quite beautiful! 

Storm watching!

But back to springtime:

I think I made this dress sometime last year. The scalloped ruffle on the skirt was my "special element" that I wanted to try out. It reminds me of 1800's fashion. 

What are you looking forward to in spring?

to God be the glory,
Miss Humphrey

Monday, February 20, 2023

The Pink Continues...

Hello all!
Here's another pink dress for you today! 

There's a sad reason why I put that shawl on this particular dress. 
It has very noticeable ink stains. Mysterious ink stains, since they are on more than one of my dresses and I do not recall dripping ink on my clothing. Perhaps they were washed with a pen! Stain treatment has not been successful. I have thought about making a large white collar that covers the most problematic stains. As you can see, I have not got around to doing that...

The sleeves are small, but puffed at the top by gathers...and puffed at the bottom by elastic.

I tried a different style of darts in the bodice. 

The separate sash is made of the same cotton print as the dress. Even though the zipper down the back was not a success, I left it the way it was, and wouldn't you know it - the sash and dress folds in the back hide the part that went awry. The dress is perfectly wearable! Sometimes it's okay to not stress over elements of a garment you're making for yourself. Enjoy the process of making your own clothes! Your clothes do not have to be perfect, as long as you are happy with them. You will get better at sewing with practice! 

to God be the glory,

Miss Humphrey

Monday, February 13, 2023

Yet Another Circle Dress...Plus Fashion and a Sneak Peak

 Th circle dress style is evidently one of my favorites.

~The first circle dress I made~

It was wearable with a belt or sash...which style do you like better?


This lace trim was so pretty! I was attempting a bishop's sleeve here. While it did not end up as a bishop's sleeve, it still worked out okay.

Bonus...We went to Ross recently and found this sweet blouse. 

                                                              Take a look at the sleeves!

This would be a fun sleeve style to put on a dress someday.

Finally, here's a sneak peak of a project coming up. I think you'll like it!

Fabric, eyelet trim, piping and matching thread from Hobby Lobby.

Happy Valentine's Day!

to God be the glory,

Miss Humphrey

Monday, February 6, 2023

February Fashion Designs

                                                            Just some designs for today...

1800's overskirt dress for Valentine's Day

This western shirt was inspired by one I saw at Wilco recently. It was so pretty...and expensive!

What are you doing for Valentine's day? 

to God be the glory,
Miss Humphrey

Spring Sewing

...You make the going out of the morning and the evening to shout for joy. You visit the earth and water it; you greatly enrich it; the rive...