Monday, November 28, 2022

Post #1:Welcome to the Blog!

 Welcome to the new blog, DIY You! 

I've started this blog to encourage young women (and women of all ages!) to sew their own modest, unique clothes. 

Sewing can be difficult. Making your own clothes can be laborious compared to simply purchasing them. But it is not beyond you! And being the complete master of your wardrobe certainly has its rewards.

Have you searched the Ross clothing section in vain for a dress that is modest, attractive, and fitting to your unique body shape, only to bring home, (if anything) a clothing item that wasn't really what you wanted?

Have you attempted sewing a dress and come away discouraged and daunted by the project?

Have you ever admired a dress online or in an expensive clothing store and wished you could make it, but couldn't find a pattern?

Have you ever found pattern instructions confusing?

If 'yes' was your answer to any of these questions, I hope you will continue to check in on my blog. 

I sew my own clothes (mostly dresses). By doing so, I'm not forced to rely on the clothing stores, and the newest fads and worldly styles don't dictate what I wear. By sewing without patterns, I can design and create my own custom clothes the way I want them - clothes that don't even exist in the pattern-world. (I am not 'against' patterns, by the way. If you enjoy using them, good for you! In fact, I plan to make some of my own patterns soon, and post them here on the blog. I do not tend to use commercial patterns in my own sewing, though.)

Learning to sew dresses successfully without using patterns or taking sewing lessons involved a lot of trial, error, and fabric :). I hope to spare the beginning dressmaker some pain and unwearable articles of clothing by providing her useful, basic instruction on this blog for her "free-hand" sewing adventures!

I also plan to share my clothing designs, dresses I have made, and more.

 To God be the glory,

       Miss Humphrey

Spring Sewing

...You make the going out of the morning and the evening to shout for joy. You visit the earth and water it; you greatly enrich it; the rive...